Monday, April 25, 2011

EnTRy 10 : Discuss on the impact of Open Access Initiatives to libraries

From the Public Library of Science (PLOS), there give definition of open access which is a The author(s) and copyright holder(s) grant(s) to all users a free, irrevocable, worldwide, perpetual right of access to, and a license to copy, use, distribute, transmit and display the work publicly and to make and distribute derivative works, in any digital medium for any responsible purpose, subject to proper attribution of authorship,as well as the right to make small numbers of printed copies for their personal use. From that definition we can say that open access is a work granted to open freely and enable to access from others people.

With encouragement to embrace open access coming from those funding much of the research and also from those publishing the research, and with content from such journals included in online databases, it stands to reason that open access has become more from a dream. Moreover, open access models are beneficial in a number of ways:

  • Research is available at no cost, and with no access restrictions, for readers around the globe; scholars in economically disadvantaged areas are no longer barred access to the newest research.
  •  Because research published via avenues of open access is openly accessible online, it is more easily discoverable both by scholars and by search engines.
  • For scholars in science and technology, where subject matter may be especially time

There are several impacts of open access to libraries, first is from the economic views which people in all country and different culture can have an access right to see and view the work done by researchers. From the open access also will benefit the audiences and society as a whole will enjoy a better future once research is optimally disseminated by open access initiatives. For example like researcher from the other country done their research for their country, so that when they publish their output from their research it also can be used by other country to be compared and as a reference for them to do a research.

Second is in collection development policies for the open access, this is the most challenging issue  when to develop and manage library collections like how they will keep track of open access sources. Given the growing number of open access collection already out there, they may struggle to bootstrap themselves by introducing such sources to their collections. As sources begin to distinguish themselves from others and lesser-known, less widely used ones fade into obscurity.

Other impact is the role playing by the librarian are also change when the open access become regularly use by the users, the library needs to examine the very roles they play within their institutions and indeed within the global information market. The role of library as publisher is not entirely novel, but may become a key role that libraries play as they become more and more involved with open access, and may very well result in a radical transformation of scholarly communication as it is known today. Libraries might go about the task of publishing scholarly material in a number of ways, among which are cultivating and managing their own electronic journals, and supporting an institutional repository. One of the key goals of the institutional repository, simply stated, is to capture the intellectual output of an institution and make it available via a single interface, so that one no longer needs to scour disparate faculty and graduate student websites in order to find their research.

From the technology impact on the open access is to provide a place for the researcher to upload or store their research paper or journal to make it public. So some libraries develop their own Institutional Repositories (IR) and in the same time the most crucial issues is how to handle citation permanence in the IR collections. Now there have various open sources that provide one stop collection for the researcher to place their collection like DSpace, Fedora, Adore and others. The library can use this effort for them to make open access initiative running rightly.

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